Social Media Posting Reseller Business
Posts are added directly to your Customer’s Facebook, Instagram OR Twitter Accounts daily. Very reliable Supplier with a proven track record, together with 2 backup Suppliers.
Social Media Posting Reseller Business
This site runs on Autopilot if you have reasonable communication skills. No Phone contact with Customers is required. Just forwarding emails. No Skype Calls, just Skype Text Chat or exchange of emails.
When a Customer purchases a subscription for daily posts to their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account you simply place the order with the Supplier who delivers the service direct to your Customer leaving you with $100-$120 profit per Customer per month.
And most Customers will continue their subscriptions making this a passive income stream.

Service For Just $149 Per Month
Daily posts on the Customer’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter accounts. These may include simple comments, articles, videos and or photos. These posts will be aligned with the original brief given to you by the Customer when they subscribe to the service. The service is provided by an experienced Social Media Marketing professional who does this full time and has the software to schedule posts for multiple Customers. Very reliable Supplier with a proven track record, together with 2 backup Suppliers.
How Does It Work?
1. You buy this reseller site.
2. You promote it with the simple marketing plan that I provide (that works)
3. You get enquires, they are easy to manage because all info required from the prospective Customer is simply laid out on the website.
4. The Customer is impressed…then completes a purchase via PayPal and you receive the funds in your PayPal Account immediately,eg $149 for 1 month’sservice.(most Customer s will continue their subscription but there is no obligation for them to do so and no contracts)
5. You then contact your Supplier via email with the order details which include the Customers
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Login details.
6. The Supplier delivers the service by posting on the Customers Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
accounts daily.
How is this calculated?
You collect $149 from the Customer and you pay the Supplier $25-$50 to deliver the service direct to your Customers Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts.

What Are You Getting
Free Hosting Permanently
Because we own a dedicated server with space for 10,000+ websites, it’s easy for us to keep all of your files on our secure server.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is now the way to drive traffic. We use customized social media marketing plans to help turn our clients’ interest groups into customer’s.
Premium Webdesign
We not only design our websites to look great; we also design them to be easy to use on all devices from desktops and laptops to mobile phones etc.
Supplier Contact Information
We’ll provide you with the Suppler/backup Supplier so you don’t have to worrry about it.